
About the Artist


Education + Background
Master of Fine Art
| Photography + Digital Media, University of Colorado-Boulder
Bachelor of Fine Art | Printmaking + Photography, University of Colorado-Boulder

Pamela Beverly-Quigley received a BFA in printmaking/photography and an MFA in photography and digital media from the University of Colorado, Boulder. Her prints and experimental pieces involved layering of photographic or hand drawn imagery on nonconventional substrates, such as steel and fabric—resulting in large artwork panels and installations.

Additionally, she taught as a graduate instructor at The University of Colorado— Boulder and later as an associate professor at Weber State University—Utah and has been an invited guest lecturer at The American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA), and the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe, among others. Her work has been featured in a variety of publications including The Lure of the Local by renowned writer and art critic Lucy Lippard.

Beverly-Quigley continues to explore her conceptual work through photography and mixed media and exhibits both nationally and internationally. As a member of the Artnauts’ international artist collective her work has been shown in venues such as the Women’s Leadership Conference held in Uganda, at the DMZ Museum in South Korea and in Colombia and Sarajevo. Upcoming exhibitions in 2024 will be held in Derry, Ireland, Rwanda and in The Amazon in 2025.

She is an interdisciplinary artist who is not defined by barriers between the visual arts. Working as a creative director, designer and artist has allowed her to delve into a wide variety of projects that explore her interests.

Non-Profit Work:
Every two years she takes on a new non-profit that she believes in and donates her time in helping them to develop fundraising materials. Past non-profits have included Utah’s Adopt-A-Native-Elder program that brings much needed food, fabrics and medicines to Native Americans in remote areas of Utah. With The Peace House in Park City, Utah she worked for a couple of years on fundraising materials and later designed their 25th anniversary book. The Peace House provides a sanctuary and outreach for those fleeing domestic violence. She was an early member of the Artnauts’ collective in the mid 90s and returned in 2015. Currently, she is a board member and works with artists and communities all over the world creating connection and conversation through art.